Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Bedside Stack

Yeah, it's a fashion blog, but you know what, it's my blog and I can write about whatever I want. Wednesdays will be Project days, and the rest of the week, I can post reviews, recipes, diys, and other stuff. Maybe I'll even do some give-aways. Anyway, today. Everyone has a few books they can read over and over again. I like to call this, "The bedside stack". They're the books you keep next to your bed, on your bedstand or the floor. So what are yours? Today I'd like to share mine.

The Willoughbys (Literally the funniest book I've ever read)
What Einstein Told His Cook (the only nonfiction book there)
Hans Christian Anderson's fairytales (link is not to the same edition I have, sorry)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Half Blood Prince is actually my fav, but I keep it on my shelf because it's the right width to fill a hole there)

My other favorites, not included in the picture, are:
Lord of the Rings
The Hobbit
Alice in Wonderland/ Through the Looking Glass
Wuthering Heights

P.S. I love christmas lights all year long. I draped these over my headboard as a reading light!
They create a really warm colour pattern on the walls!

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