Saturday, May 25, 2013

Happy Towel Day!

Hello! Long time no post! I haven't written a whole lot lately, sorry about that. It's finals week here so.... Anyway, only 2 more left! Earth Science on tuesday and French in shortly after. So I don't have a whole lot of time to write about an outfit right now, but I thought I'd share some fun stuff I've found in the last few weeks. 70's coming next wednesday.

Wake County, my school district, made it big on this Buzz Feed post!

Olive Us, a really cute video series, introduced us to the Little Red riding hood in french

Rhett and Link made the new Star Trek movie into a musical.

James Potter, Harry's son, has adventures now too!

Speaking of Star Trek, have you seen into darkness yet? I loved it. My friend, K. didn't like it as much, but I loved the whole Wrath of Khan thing it had going on. Benedict didn't quite have the Khan Hair  thing going on, but he was still great. Kirk is still a jerk, Spock is still hilarious, and I still want to go to school on vulcan. This was my favourite clip from the movie. Ears burning? Okay, bye.